StrongMind Success Indicator (SMSI)

  • Updated

Objective: Teachers will utilize the SMSI to gather actionable insights on student performance and engagement.

StrongMind Success Indicator, or SMSI, is an overall metric that depicts a student's overall success and is used to help teachers determine if further interventions for students are needed.

Note: This is only visible to the Teacher

The StrongMind Success Indicator (SMSI) metric is made up of 4 buckets of data points, 3 of which are visible to teachers.

  • Academic 40% of SMSI total score
    • Course Performance 
    • Course Repeats 
    • Course Load
  • Engagement 30% of SMSI total score
    • Course Progress
    • Behavioral Cadence (number of times the student has logged in during the last 7 days)
    • Last Login
  • Attendance (Arizona only at this time) 20% of SMSI total score
    • % of submitted minutes versus expected minutes
    • % of approved minutes versus expected minutes
  • Behavioral (not visible to teachers) 10% of SMSI total score
    • Demographic
    • Military
    • Homeless MK/Vento
    • Boomerang Kid
    • FRL
    • The student has a sibling

The SMSI score is calculated on a scale from 0-100. The boxes will be shaded according to the threshold bucket the student falls into for each section.

The thresholds, and colors, for the intervention indicators are:

  • Poor: 0-59
  • Satisfactory: 60-79
  • Good: 80-100

Students will have visible scores on the Teacher Dashboard for Academic, Engagement, Attendance, and SMSI. Each metric will be clickable and allow the teacher to view the data points that make up the overall score.

See the image below for an example: Screen Shot 2024-02-07 at 11.28.15 AM.png


Metric Breakdowns:


  • Course Performance - 40% of Academic score *

    • Current score in the course at this point in time

  • Course Repeats - 40% of Academic score *

    • Number of times the student has completed this course, for a final grade, in the past

  • Course Load - 20% of Academic score *

    • Number of active enrollments the student has at this point in time


  • Course Progress - 60% of Engagement score *

    • Number of requirements completed / number of requirements at this point as a percent

  • Behavioral Cadence - 20% of Engagement score *

    • Number of times the student has logged in during the last 7 days

    • Based on a rolling 7-day period

    • Login counts as a page view in the actual course

  • Last Login - 20% of Engagement score *

    • Days since the last login

    • Login counts as a page view in the actual course

Attendance (Arizona Only):

  • Submitted minutes - 50% of Attendance score *

    • Percent calculated using actual submitted minutes / expected minutes per week

  • Approved minutes - 50% of Attendance score *

    • Percent calculated using approved minutes / expected minutes per week


*Denotes this is true for the first iteration/rollout. Weights are subject to change as more data points and the behavioral bucket are added.

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