Link an Observer to Multiple Students

  • Updated
  • In this article, we will show you how to link an observer to multiple students
  • To learn more about the observer role, go here


Linking an observer to multiple students allows you to easily assign users to an observer role for multiple students at one time. Linking an observer in this way will make the user an observer for all of their linked students' currently enrolled courses.

To learn about linking an observer to a student in one course, go here.

  1. Click Admin on the left hand side, then select a school.


  2. Click Assign Observers.


  3. Type in the name of the user you want to add as an observer.
    Then select them from the list.


    Click the > arrow.


  4. Type in the name of a student you want to link the observer to.
    Then select them from the list.


    Continue to select students to link the observer to.
    To remove a student from the list, click the X next to their name.
    Then click the > arrow.


  5. Click Submit.



    Then you will see you have successfully linked the observer to the selected students. Click Start over to link another user as an observer.


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