In this article, we will show you how to engage students in your course by bringing everyone together for face-to-face instruction and facilitating a collaborative environment
Note: Teachers will be able to easily invite their entire class to a live session easily by just typing in the name of their course and the invite is sent to all of their students at once.
Course Section Communities
Teachers will have the ability to invite their entire class, just by typing the name of their course into the invite box, and not have to type individual email addresses for each student.
The community will be auto-generated in StrongMind Central when a new course section is created.
Create Sync Sessions for Class
Teachers have the ability to create sessions for their whole class or 1:1 sessions with specific students through their My Sessions page in StrongMind Central.
Keep track of Sessions
Teachers have the ability to see their scheduled sessions for the current day on the Today tab and the right tray on the right side of the screen.
Today Tab
Upcoming Sessions Tab
Note: Teachers also have the ability to see what sessions are scheduled in the future via the Upcoming Sessions tab and what sessions have occurred in the past via the Past Sessions.