Sample Teacher Checklist

  • Updated

Objective: Provide a sample checklist to assist teachers in navigating and learning SMC (StrongMind Central).


Note: Refer to your school-based policy on teacher expectations, training, and onboarding activities.

Initial Setup

Tasks listed below are suggested actions teachers may take in both Academic Classrooms and Community Groups. Additional resources are hyperlinked within the steps below for further details and functionality.

  • Access StrongMind Central and bookmark to your browser
  • Review your homepage
    • Left Panel: Review your classes
    • Middle Panel: Check your student performance. Is there actionable data that needs addressing?
    • Right Panel: View available sessions
  • Access the Community tab
    • Review any groups or clubs you have been invited
    • As you explore SMC and add interests, this area will provide suggestions
  • Navigate to your Profile
    • Edit your profile picture with a personal avatar
    • Create your bio in the About Me area
    • Add photos to personalize your profile by selecting the + to the right of Photos
    • Select + Interests to add additional interests to your profile to provide recommendations
  • Review the right pane with personal information
    • Verify Timezone, Email, and Phone are accurate
    • Select Edit if changes need to be made

First Two Weeks

After initial exploration as a teacher, the following additional items can also be completed to provide training within StrongMind Central.

  • Set up recurring Events (Synchronous Sessions, Office Hours, 1:1, Class Event, etc.)
  • Create teacher video discussion post and highlight it in the classroom
  • Update banner image in your Academic classroom to provide personalization
    • Additional support on customized Canva banners here
  • Analyze performance metrics on the dashboard
    • Review Academic and Engagement areas
    • Create plan for daily progress monitoring
  • Post Discussion topic
  • Respond to threads in the Discussions
  • Join additional Groups based on your interests to collaborate with peers
  • Create your daily plan for engagement, progress monitoring, and daily tasks with SMC

Ongoing Engagement

Ongoing engagement will lead to academic success. Keep the excitement going and continue to engage your community.

  • Explore the SMC Knowledge Base area here
  • Join or create a new club or community
    • Review your interests and community pages to deepen connections
    • Attend other community events
    • Share best practices with colleagues
    • Post a discussion thread or comment in the group
  • Daily engagement in Academic Classrooms and Communities

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