Adding a Rubric to an Assignment

  1. Click Courses on the left hand side, then click All Courses.
    • If you're an admin, make sure you have selected the correct school
      and course within that school.
  2. Select the course you want to add the rubric to.
    Then click the Assignments tab.


  3. Click on the name of the assignment you want to the rubric to. 


  4. Click on the + Rubric


  5. You have the option to search for an existing rubric by clicking on Find a Rubric

  6. If you have an existing rubric a box will appear. Select the rubric you want to use. Click Use This Rubric



If you are unable to find an existing rubric to use for your assignment, you can create a new rubric. New rubrics are saved in your course for future use. 

7. Once you have added the Title, Criteria, Ratings and Points. Click on Create Rubric


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