Teacher Dashboard Overview

  • Updated

Objective: To understand the components of the Teacher Dashboard in SMC.

How-To Guide

  1. Academic Classrooms: Teachers and students are automatically enrolled in Classrooms to support engagement and interaction with teachers and students.
  2. Groups: Communities and clubs the teacher is a member or moderator.
  3. Supplemental: Currently for ExactPath, but additional supplements can be configured in this area.
  4. Performance: Only visible to teachers, this includes metrics from student's academics, engagement and attendance (if Arizona) to provide a performance indicator:
    • Poor: 0-59 SMSI
    • Satisfactory: 60-79 SMSI
    • Great: 80-100 SMSI
  5. Students: List of student enrollments that can be sorted and filtered among a variety of values.
  6. Community: Access Community tab of SMC to view groups, academic classrooms, and join or create additional groups.
  7. User Menu: User can toggle between roles, update their profile and logout here.
  8. Session Panel: View today's sessions and create new synchronous sessions for students and communities.

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Teacher Dashboard Metrics

StrongMind Success Indicator (SMSI)

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