Teacher Course Progress Insights

  • Updated

Course Progress Insights provides teachers actionable data into their student's course progress and any non-starters. The first release (Sept 2024) of insights is focused around supporting teachers progress-monitoring efforts to ensure students are engaged in their courses.


Course Progress and Non-Starters

The first two teacher insights include course progress and non-starters. Students with course progress less than 20% or more below the class average course progress will be added to this insight. Additionally students with 0% course progress will be added to a second insight.

  1. Teacher logs into their dashboard in StrongMind Central.
  2. Teacher views the insight cards and selects a card. After selecting an insight, it will be removed from the dashboard.

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 9.29.27 AM.png
  3. Upon selecting the insight, teachers are provided a list of students with three actions: 
    • Schedule a Session
    • Schedule a Tutor
    • Send a Message

  4. Once teacher selects an action, that will be applied to all students on the insight. 


Teacher Insight Dashboard

After a teacher selects an insight, it will be removed from the dashboard view and a new insight will be added to the dashboard the following day. To allow teachers to review past insights, there is tab on the top navigation called Insights.


Up Next for Insights:

This first release will provide the StrongMind teams direction on additional insights that would support teacher and student success. StrongMind will continue to refine and release additional insights for all SMC users: teachers, students, and parents.




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